university of michigan

  • Your Teeth Are Helping Scientists Build Better Aeroplanes

    Your Teeth Are Helping Scientists Build Better Aeroplanes

    You might not think that the teeth in your mouth have much in common with the massive fangs you’ll find in a T-rex skull. But at the microscopic level, the core structure of tooth enamel hasn’t changed much over the ages. So, scientists are once again copying a tried-and-true Mother Nature design to potentially improve…

  • Here’s A 3D-Printed, Self-Driving Mini Car

    Here’s A 3D-Printed, Self-Driving Mini Car

    I present to you the engineering equivalent of peanut butter and jelly: A self-driving vehicle that was 3D-printed. A prototype is currently being tested, and in the future it could shuttle jet-lagged passengers across terminals or hungover college kids across the quad.