the texas chain saw massacre

  • Netflix’s New Texas Chainsaw Massacre Is Completely Unnecessary

    Netflix’s New Texas Chainsaw Massacre Is Completely Unnecessary

    Tobe Hooper’s 1974 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a horror masterpiece — a gruesome, chilling exploration of why you shouldn’t poke around other people’s property, especially in rural Texas. It’s a story other filmmakers haven’t been able to resist revisiting, with diminishing returns. The latest example of this hits Netflix today.

  • A Classic Horror Story Looks Gory and Terrifying

    A Classic Horror Story Looks Gory and Terrifying

    Ever since Scream kind of reinvented the idea, meta-horror has been a rather familiar subgenre. These days, a horror movie barely even feels like a horror movie if one of the characters hasn’t seen Halloween 50 million times or drops in a few references to David Cronenberg or Dario Argento. Netflix’s new film, A Classic…