the heritage

  • 9 Environmental Crimes That Would Make Great Movies

    9 Environmental Crimes That Would Make Great Movies

    The new dark comedy Don’t Look Up shakes up the idea of what makes a good climate movie. Rather than focusing purely on weird science or Al Gore, it tells a great story by highlighting the criminal inaction on climate change. (Well, technically it’s about a comet headed for Earth, but it’s a clear stand-in for…

  • Chevron Celebrates Pride While Funding Bigots in U.S. Congress

    Chevron Celebrates Pride While Funding Bigots in U.S. Congress

    Hey, queer people, listen up: Chevron is totally cool with you, and that’s super cool of them! At least that’s the message Chevron is sending this month, as it lines up its advertising to once again celebrate Pride. But Chevron’s Pride celebrations can’t hide the fact that the politicians the company props up each year…