sustainable food system

  • What It Really Takes to Get Food to Your Plate

    What It Really Takes to Get Food to Your Plate

    Getting food from a field to our markets or even our plates creates more emissions than previously estimated. A study published in Nature Food found that the mileage on food (or “food miles”) is responsible for about 6% of all greenhouse gas emissions, making the associated emissions 3.5 to 7.5 times higher than prior calculations.

  • 2,000-Year-Old Bones of Mt. Vesuvius Victims Reveal What They Ate

    2,000-Year-Old Bones of Mt. Vesuvius Victims Reveal What They Ate

    The people who lived in the town of Herculaneum were killed instantly in the abominable heat of pyroclastic flows spewing from Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. Nothing remains of their stomachs, but that hasn’t stopped archaeologists from learning about the diets of these doomed ancient Romans. In a new study, researchers looked at isotopes in…