Software & Design

  • 15 of the Best New iPhone Lock Screen Widgets

    15 of the Best New iPhone Lock Screen Widgets

    With iOS 14, Apple brought widgets to your iPhone’s Home Screen — with iOS 16, Apple wants to do the same with your Lock Screen. With this update, you can create multiple Lock Screens that you can cycle through at any time, and each Lock Screen can hold up to five different widgets: There’s a…

  • Don’t Fall for This Instagram Verification Scam

    Don’t Fall for This Instagram Verification Scam

    Instagram verification is pretty darn strict. In order to obtain the blue badge, you need to meet a specific series of requirements — so if Instagram contacts you, informing you you’re eligible for verification, you’d probably jump at the chance. Well, don’t: It’s a scam.

  • Please Update Your Instagram Privacy Settings Right Now

    Please Update Your Instagram Privacy Settings Right Now

    Instagram has been through so many changes, it’s hard to remember what is truly private on your account and what’s not. As a Meta product, though, Instagram isn’t known to respect your data, so the most “privacy-friendly” option would be to delete your account entirely. If you’re not willing to go that far, though, the…