Software & Design

  • Microsoft Offering Refunds For Office 365 Subscriptions

    Briefly: If you paid for an Office 365 subscription so that you could spreadsheet on the go, and then were understandably miffed when Microsoft offered up editing capabilities for iOS for free, never fear: Microsoft will refund you your subscription on a pro-rata basis, which is nice of them.

  • Blackberry Decides That Ephemeral Messaging Will Save BBM

    Blackberry Decides That Ephemeral Messaging Will Save BBM

    After a very brief stint at number one in the app store, Blackberry’s much-vaunted BBM messaging service — previously hailed as the saviour of the entire company — is now languishing in 462nd place on the App Store. But never fear! Because Blackberry is going to turn its fortunes around, by Snapchattifying its messaging service.