
  • Please Update Your Instagram Privacy Settings Right Now

    Please Update Your Instagram Privacy Settings Right Now

    Instagram has been through so many changes, it’s hard to remember what is truly private on your account and what’s not. As a Meta product, though, Instagram isn’t known to respect your data, so the most “privacy-friendly” option would be to delete your account entirely. If you’re not willing to go that far, though, the…

  • Who Wants OnePlus’ Rumoured Galaxy Z Flip and Fold Competitors?

    Who Wants OnePlus’ Rumoured Galaxy Z Flip and Fold Competitors?

    Foldable devices are no longer an innovation. They’re here, and smartphone-making powerhouse Samsung has long been their number one champion. But as we wait for the company’s fourth-generation foldables to launch later this month, it’s making us wonder if we’ll ever see viable folding smartphones from other manufacturers, too.