sega genesis

  • My Eyes Hate Me for Loving This Impossibly Tiny Game Boy Clone

    My Eyes Hate Me for Loving This Impossibly Tiny Game Boy Clone

    If someone dared Nintendo to make the smallest handheld console imaginable, the results would be the FunKey S, a keychain-sized retro gaming machine that can emulate more than 10 different classic consoles. Only this console wasn’t made by Nintendo — instead, this pint-sized device was created by a group of retro enthusiasts whose love for…

  • The Mega Sg Is The Only Sega Clone You Should Buy

    The Mega Sg Is The Only Sega Clone You Should Buy

    It’s a great time to be a nostalgic retro gamer with countless ways to replay all the 8 and 16-bit games you loved as a kid — assuming you are a Nintendo fan. The NES and SNES Classic Editions, as well as several third-party console clones that work with original carts, do a lovely job…