ps4 slim

  • All the Ways You Can Make Use of Your Old PS4 or Xbox One

    All the Ways You Can Make Use of Your Old PS4 or Xbox One

    If you’ve just upgraded to a Sony PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, or Xbox Series S, you might be wondering whether your existing console is just going to sit in a corner gathering dust. Are you really going to go back to it all that much? If the answer is probably no, then you’ve got a…

  • The PS4 Slim And PS4 Pro Are Here

    The PS4 Slim And PS4 Pro Are Here

    After months of speculation, rumours, and some excellent reporting, Sony’s latest Playstations are finally here. Sony announced the new consoles at a press event in the Playstation Theatre in New York City today. Hosting a major tech event the same day as Apple day seems like a risky move, but Sony’s event was packed with…