
  • 7 Tales of Smart Homes Gone Horribly Awry

    7 Tales of Smart Homes Gone Horribly Awry

    As long as science fiction’s been around, and probably longer, the fear of technology has fuelled the stories that keep us up at night. One of the scariest scenarios? That a smart home, ostensibly designed to make life easier, would suddenly transform into a nightmarish high-tech prison — or at least a place you would…

  • Toss Some Treats at These 10 Heroic Horror Dogs

    Toss Some Treats at These 10 Heroic Horror Dogs

    Dogs are a constant presence in scary movies, but they usually either meet tragic ends (RIP, Lester in Halloween) or are part of the horror (see: Cujo, The Omen, The Thing, Dracula’s Dog). By contrast, this list collects only good horror canines ” who actually make it to the end credits.

  • 11 Horror Movies Featuring Creepy, Haunted Apartments

    11 Horror Movies Featuring Creepy, Haunted Apartments

    Haunted houses may get all the attention, but apartment buildings can give off some mighty terrifying energy, too”whether it’s in the form of something that follows you in, or something that pounces once you’ve signed your lease. Here are 11 movies featuring apartments you’re glad aren’t part of your rental history.