
  • Dubai Is Creating Artificial Rainstorms With Drones

    Dubai Is Creating Artificial Rainstorms With Drones

    The Middle East, already on the edge of human habitability due to extreme heat, could become unlivable by mid-century due to rising temperatures and falling water tables. In an effort to insulate the region from worsening conditions, the United Arab Emirates has turned to a, uh, unique solution: electrical charge-shooting drones that could help juice…

  • The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Racist

    The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Racist

    There’s a scientific consensus that coal, oil, and gas are frying the planet and will have to be phased out completely to secure a livable future. It’s also clear that each of the three fossil-based energy sources creates deadly, toxic pollution, providing yet another reason to retire the industry. A new report — released by…