
  • The Weirdest Medical Cases Of 2019

    The Weirdest Medical Cases Of 2019

    2019 has truly been the year of too much. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the bizarre medical cases that made the news this year. So let’s go ahead and take a trip down memory lane, just in case you were hoping to get a good night’s sleep ever again.

  • Help! I’m Obsessed With Disgusting Parasites

    Help! I’m Obsessed With Disgusting Parasites

    By the time I knew I was sick, it was already too late. I had already binged on Diagnosis and burned through The Medical Detectives. It was only after I turned to the truly hardcore shit, a show about parasites called Monsters Inside Me, that I realised I had a problem.

  • Real-Life ‘Zombie’ Animals Walk The Earth Thanks To Thousands Of Parasites

    Real-Life ‘Zombie’ Animals Walk The Earth Thanks To Thousands Of Parasites

    Consider the ladybug. Our polka-dotted little friend spends its days munching aphids, climbing leaves, occasionally alighting upon a delighted child’s outstretched finger, and generally beetling around being adorable. It’s one of nature’s most inoffensive critters, which is perhaps why the Dinocampus coccinellae wasp is such a troubling one by comparison.