occupational safety and health

  • Covid-19 Paralysed a Teen Girl’s Vocal Cords, Doctors Say

    Covid-19 Paralysed a Teen Girl’s Vocal Cords, Doctors Say

    We’re still discovering new ways COVID-19 can harm us, some four years after the emergence of this complicated viral disease. In a recent report, doctors in Massachusetts describe a teen girl whose vocal cords became paralysed soon after a bout of COVID-19. The girl required a tracheostomy in place for more than a year to…

  • Vast Majority of Long COVID Patients Were Never Hospitalised, Report Finds

    Vast Majority of Long COVID Patients Were Never Hospitalised, Report Finds

    The average person suffering from long covid didn’t have a severe infection to begin with, a new report suggests. The study, an examination of private insurance claims, found that three-fourths of diagnosed long covid patients were not hospitalized for covid-19. Additionally, the researchers found that patients were most likely to be co-diagnosed with symptoms such…