nick fury

  • 11 Burning Questions We Have After The Marvels

    11 Burning Questions We Have After The Marvels

    The Marvels is here, and with it, a bunch of updates on just what is going on in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, from Earth, to space, and beyond. But while much of the team-up movie’s big beats are neatly wrapped up by its brisk end, there are plenty of questions we have left over… Did…

  • Secret Invasion’s Plot Craters, But Leaves Little Impact

    Secret Invasion’s Plot Craters, But Leaves Little Impact

    We are in the penultimate episode of Marvel’s Disney+ series Secret Invasion, and, surprisingly, we don’t have a lot of questions or plot points to wrap up. After the first four episodes of the Samuel L. Jackson-led spy-thriller series, most mysteries have been solved or explained in… Gravik detail. (Get it? Graphic? Gravik? Because if…