
  • Why Elon’s Twitter Subscriptions Are Missing the Point

    Why Elon’s Twitter Subscriptions Are Missing the Point

    Controversy sells. For a long time, there has been no place where this is more true than on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Controversy and conflict keep you clicking, commenting, and generating the data about yourself that is used to sell ads. Every day, it becomes more obvious that the intertwined model of…

  • Why These Social Networks Failed So Badly

    Why These Social Networks Failed So Badly

    Sixteen years ago, the sun set on Web 1.0, and we embarked by the light of our smartphones to 24/7 connectivity, down a road paved with corporate blunders, littered with yesterday’s top 8 friends, scrubbed n00ds, trashed chiptune tracks, bomb threats, and downy unicorn costumes. Comedic treasures were born and abandoned by parent companies, screaming…