
  • Meet The Guy In The U.S. Who Bought A Monorail For $1000

    Meet The Guy In The U.S. Who Bought A Monorail For $1000

    In 2015, Gabe Emerson called up the Minnesota Zoo and asked to buy their monorail. It had been decommissioned two years prior and the zoo, apparently, didn’t know what to do with it. They had listed it for auction on what Emerson describes as “some obscure state surplus auction website” and were out of ideas.…

  • Sydney’s Monorail Gets Ticket To History

    Yesterday, NSW Premier, Barry O’Farrell confirmed the government had bought Metro Transport (owners of Sydney’s light rail network and monorail) and planned to tear down the latter “as soon as feasible”. In reality, that could be a year or two away, but Giz will kind of miss the 24-year old institution when it goes, even…