
  • What Do Hearts and Cells Have To Do With Our Cities?

    What Do Hearts and Cells Have To Do With Our Cities?

    Biological metaphors for the city abound in daily use. You may live close to an “arterial” road or in the “heart” of a metropolis. You may work in one of the city’s “nerve centres” or exercise in a park described as the city’s “lungs”. The ready use of such metaphors indicates an underlying naturalism in…

  • Simple Invention Helps You Sober Up by Exhaling Alcohol

    Simple Invention Helps You Sober Up by Exhaling Alcohol

    Scientists in Canada say they’ve found a new way to treat potentially life-threatening alcohol intoxication — by helping people literally breathe out the alcohol in their system. Their device, which is designed to allow people to hyperventilate safely, was found to speed up the clearance of alcohol from healthy volunteers three times faster in a…