loot boxes

  • The Australian Government Wants Harsher Ratings for Loot Boxes

    The Australian Government Wants Harsher Ratings for Loot Boxes

    On Thursday, the federal government proposed a whole bunch of changes to its National Classification Scheme in hopes of slapping games containing simulated gambling and/or loot boxes right in the face. Yeowch! A press release from Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland announced that the Commonwealth will be seeking the agreement of states and territories to…

  • The Tesla App Has Loot Boxes

    The Tesla App Has Loot Boxes

    A couple of weeks back I was tooling around the Blue Mountains in a Tesla Model S in order to test out the latest features of Autopilot. As a first-time Tesla driver, I had never been privy to the accompanying app, or the treasure box that glinted at me from the top-right. In fact, I…