lois lane

  • My Adventures With Superman Will Fly to Comics in June

    My Adventures With Superman Will Fly to Comics in June

    Adult Swim’s My Adventures with Superman was a pleasant surprise when dropped in last year, and one of DC’s best animated outings in some time. Audiences really seemed to get on board with the romcom antics of Superman and Lois Lane, and DC’s taking advantage of that momentum by giving it its own comic miniseries.…

  • 20 Best Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror TV Shows of 2023

    20 Best Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror TV Shows of 2023

    As 2023 draws to a close, the Gizmodo’s io9 staff has had to admit something about ourselves: we watch a lot of TV. From a starting list that was admittedly alarmingly long, we managed to winnow down our 20 favorites—including animation, sci-fi, horror, and fantasy, and titles both brand-new, some seasons in, and (in one…