little shop of horrors

  • The Strange, Beautiful, And Now Tumblr-Friendly History Of Sci-Fi Musicals

    The Strange, Beautiful, And Now Tumblr-Friendly History Of Sci-Fi Musicals

    Science fiction has a complicated history in musical theatre. Much like the Academy Awards, which usually reward stories about “real people” over sci-fi and fantasy (with 2017’s Best Oscar win for The Shape of Water being a notable exception), musical theatre audiences tend to scoff at spacey sagas. However, some sci-fi musicals have managed to…

  • How Carnivorous Plants Developed A Thirst For Blood

    How Carnivorous Plants Developed A Thirst For Blood

    Carnivorous plants haven’t have the best media representation. The 1986 cult classic Little Shop of Horrors depicted these hungry little darlings as bloodthirsty beasts, which isn’t entirely inaccurate — depending on where they’re located, carnivorous plants eat everything from flies to frogs.