lights out

  • 8 M-Rated Horror Movies That Don’t Suck

    8 M-Rated Horror Movies That Don’t Suck

    Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is out in September in Australia, and like many Guillermo del Toro-affiliated projects, it contains monsters galore. It doesn’t appear to have an Aussie film rating just yet, but in the U.S., it’s rated PG-13, the rough equivalent of an M-rating. While some may consider this disappointing, there’s…

  • Lights Out Will Have You Running For The Light Switch

    Light goes off. The shadow of a monster appears in the gloom. Light goes on. Monster disappears. It’s a simple, if effective horror concept, and one that most people encountered in 2013’s viral short horror film Lights Out. I went into the full-length feature adaptation of this film wondering whether this simple scare would hold…