lead poisoning

  • Woman Taking Supplements for Infertility Gets Lead Poisoning Instead

    Woman Taking Supplements for Infertility Gets Lead Poisoning Instead

    A Canadian woman’s attempt to treat her infertility went drastically wrong, her doctors say. In a new case report this week, they detail how she developed lead poisoning from taking supplements filled with the toxic metal. The woman’s symptoms were successfully treated. This discovery prompted authorities to seize other contaminated products from her alternative medicine…

  • Why Lead Is Bad For Humans

    Why Lead Is Bad For Humans

    Given that humans have been using lead in various products for over 8000 years (with the first known mining of it in Anatolia around 6500 BCE), you might be surprised to learn that we have known that lead is dangerous and shouldn’t be trifled with since at least 150 BC. Here is everything you need…