kit harington

  • Carrie-Anne Moss’s 10 Most Memorable Genre Performances (So Far)

    Carrie-Anne Moss’s 10 Most Memorable Genre Performances (So Far)

    The first association most fans have with Carrie-Anne Moss is the black-clad badass Trinity in The Matrix—and that makes sense. The sci-fi thriller, which was released 25 years ago this weekend, brought Moss widespread acclaim, and the movie became an instant classic. With The Acolyte, which will see Moss use her action-hero skills to play…

  • Eternals’ Director Chloé Zhao Talks Those Two Post-Credits Scenes

    Eternals’ Director Chloé Zhao Talks Those Two Post-Credits Scenes

    You know the deal by now: Eternals, the latest Marvel movie starring a new batch of emotionally stunted misfits and superpowered weirdos, has two post-credits scenes to tee up both its own sequel and further developments for the MCU at large. Following the Hollywood premiere in late October, director Chloé Zhao talked about how both…