jony ive

  • Apple Seems Uncertain About its Self-Driving Car Project

    Apple Seems Uncertain About its Self-Driving Car Project

    While we rubes may never get to see an Apple Car, the people working on it within the tech company obviously get to see it all the time. Not Tim Cook, though. According to a new report that spills a number of details on Project Titan, Apple’s eight-year odyssey to realise an autonomous vehicle, the…

  • Maybe Apple Will Be Better Off Without Jony Ive

    Maybe Apple Will Be Better Off Without Jony Ive

    Gossipy new accounts about Jony Ive’s final months at Apple have been rolling in since news of his departure broke last week, and boy does it seem like he was sick of working at Apple. As the company struggles to invent new products and slow-motion train wrecks its way towards a new services business, you…

  • Apple Reveals Hill

    Apple Reveals Hill

    Apple released details about its newest product today in Vogue, almost a month before the Apple event rumoured for March 15. Although this reveal was a departure from the company’s standard keynote unveils, the choice to announce the new product in the pages of Vogue certainly fits with its growing shift towards high fashion.