internet jail

  • Apple CEO To World: ?

    Apple CEO To World: ?

    At approximately 11:38AM Cupertino time on Wednesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook posted a cryptic message on Twitter reading only “?”. It was quickly deleted.

  • You Can Get A Weed Leaf Decal For Literally Any Gadget, So I Did

    You Can Get A Weed Leaf Decal For Literally Any Gadget, So I Did

    I love my Amazon Echo. She is the perfect Bluetooth speaker, kitchen timer, and personal shopper — for better or worse — but also a friend, keeping me company on those brutally cold and lonely nights. So when I learned that MightySkins — a company that makes decals for literally every gadget under the sun,…

  • In 2017, It Shall Be Known As Hollyweed

    In 2017, It Shall Be Known As Hollyweed

    2017 is bound to usher in an assortment of changes to our society. Most of them will be bad — we’re sure to suffer — but some will be good. For example, over the weekend a Los Angeles-based hero vandalised, or rather modernised, the city’s iconic Hollywood sign to read “Hollyweed.”

  • The Sex-Haver’s Guide To Using The New iPhone Emoji

    The Sex-Haver’s Guide To Using The New iPhone Emoji

    In the latest iOS 10 update, Apple added hundreds of new and redesigned emoji. The world of the emoji can be difficult to navigate, for sex-havers and virgins alike. Using the incorrect emoji in a message to one of your cooler friends or a potential new lover can leave you humiliated, looking like a fumbling…