
  • Who Is Valentina Allegra de Fontaine?

    Who Is Valentina Allegra de Fontaine?

    Last week’s episode of Disney+ and Marvel’s The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, montage by montage, set the stage for a grand showdown between our titular heroes, the Flag-Smashers, and the disillusioned “new” Captain America. But, out of nowhere, “Truth” dropped in a comic book character that is certain to have fans’ heads spinning. If…

  • Why One Portland Comic Con Has Banned All Nazi Costumes

    Why One Portland Comic Con Has Banned All Nazi Costumes

    Rose City Comic Con in Portland, Oregon has banned all cosplay that features Nazi symbols or designs, including old-school Hydra and Red Skull costumes. This comes after several groups in Nazi-esque gear were spotted at the con, in what Rose City Comic Con’s founder has indicated is a growing trend.

  • Earth, Meet Hydra

    Earth, Meet Hydra

    Hydra is the outermost of Pluto’s known moons, and until now, we’d only ever seen it as a faint pixel of light. Today, planet Earth gets its first real glimpse of this tiny, enigmatic satellite.