
  • Remember When Yahoo Ruled the Internet?

    Remember When Yahoo Ruled the Internet?

    It’s natural to feel a bit of regret when you miss a loved one’s birthday. Here at Gizmodo, we’re saying happy belated 30th birthday to Yahoo, the website that most of us haven’t logged into since we got real jobs after the Great Recession. Even though Yahoo is a shell of what it once was…

  • Remember The Hilarious Horror Of Geocities With This Website

    Remember The Hilarious Horror Of Geocities With This Website

    Oh my god. This is perfect. Because things on the internet never really die and because old terrible things on the Internet eventually become wonderful and especially because Geocities was so hilariously awful, One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age is my new favourite website. It posts screenshots of old Geocities pages in all their blinging, blinking,…