
  • Study Confirms That, Yes, Women Face Sexism In Motorsport

    Study Confirms That, Yes, Women Face Sexism In Motorsport

    For those of us massive nerds out there, it’s an exciting day when a motorsport article is published in a scholarly journal — and it’s an even rarer day when that motorsport article focuses specifically on women. And that’s exactly what happened earlier this year in a study that confirms that female drivers not only…

  • Why Is There No Male Birth Control Yet?

    Why Is There No Male Birth Control Yet?

    The injustice of our current contraceptive regime needs no elaboration. Enough to say that it’s bizarre, at this late date, that male birth control still does not exist. Every couple of years some scientist says they’re on the brink, and the same stale monologue jokes are hauled out of storage; afterwards they are placed back…