feud week

  • Twitter Beef Court: Did I Really Deserve To Be Blocked?

    Twitter Beef Court: Did I Really Deserve To Be Blocked?

    Twitter is a site that none of us should have joined, a swirling nexus of hot-take insights posing as original analysis, endless performative posturing, and one good account. Anyhow, I do not have good judgment and have poured a disturbing amount of time and effort into letting everyone else on the network fully aware of…

  • Why Your Brain Can’t Let Go Of A Grudge

    Why Your Brain Can’t Let Go Of A Grudge

    We humans are masters of resentment — a characteristic that can be traced back the beginnings of recorded history. Feuds seem to be an indelible aspect of the human condition, but why should this be? We spoke to the experts to find out why we love to hold a grudge, and the importance of letting…

  • Who Is The Most Powerful Supervillain? 

    Who Is The Most Powerful Supervillain? 

    The supervillains who torment, thwart and otherwise mess with the universe’s well-meaning superheroes are, on the whole, a pretty foul bunch. But which of these supervillains is best at what they do? Put otherwise: if what supervillains do is try to inflict as much misery as possible on the largest number of people, which supervillain…