
  • The Best Fan To Get You Through The Sweaty Summer

    The Best Fan To Get You Through The Sweaty Summer

    It’s hard to know precisely when the electric fan was invented, but Thomas Edison was probably involved. In the century-plus since then, the basic idea hasn’t changed: spin a propeller really fast, wind results, room cools down. The performance of your average table fan, however, has evolved quite a bit. Now, something slightly larger than…

  • When Fandom Is The Problem

    When Fandom Is The Problem

    “Fandom” – the participatory community that grows out of a piece of media – has come to dominate pop culture. Fandom is not simply being a fan of something. Fandom is performing being a fan by creating transformative works, collecting knowledge, cosplaying, attending conventions, and, ever-increasingly, being vocal online. Some of this has been really…