extreme sports

  • Taming Adrenaline For Better Workouts

    Taming Adrenaline For Better Workouts

    Do you have trouble sticking to workout regimens? Maybe you start off strong for the first couple weeks, but then you start missing them here and there until, eventually, you realise there’s a you-shaped cavern in your couch. You’re in good company. But there’s a tool that our own bodies produce that might just be…

  • This Extreme Athlete Powered Rube Goldberg Machine Is Just Incredible

    Yeah, it’s absolutely an ad for Red Bull but so what. This extreme athlete-powered Rube Goldberg ‘machine’ is even better than the free running machine they pulled off a month ago. Watch the entire thing and you won’t believe how they use world famous athletes like Lolo Jones and Ryan Scheckler to pull off one…