end of the world

  • The Time Capsules That Will Outlast The Apocalypse

    When we die, we leave behind information. This information can take many forms, from our genetics, replicated in future generations, to posts on the internet. We keep history trapped in photographs, videos, and stories written down into books. Sometimes, we take treasured artifacts, place them within a time capsule, and bury them underground.

  • This Is The Exact Date When Our Computer World Ends

    This Is The Exact Date When Our Computer World Ends

    The world didn’t end last Friday just like the world didn’t end in the year 2000, with failing computers deleting bank accounts and crashing aeroplanes. That doesn’t mean the world isn’t going to end. It will. And if we keep our current operating systems, this is the exact date when all goes poof: 15:30:08 UTC…