
  • The Long History of Star Trek Uniform Fashions

    The Long History of Star Trek Uniform Fashions

    The debate over whether or not Starfleet is a military organisation, a scientific one, or a messy, often contradictory combination of both has been a part of Star Trek since it began. One thing that we can always be certain of though? It loves a wardrobe shakeup. With Discovery’s upcoming season adding yet another uniform,…

  • A Guide To Deconstructing The Battery Hype Cycle

    “The storage battery is, in my opinion, a catchpenny, a sensation, a mechanism for swindling the public by stock companies.” – Thomas Edison, 1883 When American inventor Thomas Edison made this statement, he was working on the nickel-iron battery. It became the backbone of the electric vehicle fleet of the day, before petrol took over.…