bungee jumping

  • Bungee Jumping In A F1 Car Seems Like A Crazy Thing To Do

    Bungee Jumping In A F1 Car Seems Like A Crazy Thing To Do

    Here’s video from Top Gear showing the Stig making a 300 foot bungee jump while strapped inside a F1 car. It’s exhilarating and completely nuts but must have been so ridiculously fun to do. Sometimes, just bungee jumping or just driving an F1 car isn’t enough. You gotta do both at the same time.

  • Homemade Bungee Jumping Looks Like The Scariest Thing In The World

    Bungee jumping is already the scariest thing in the world, so how does one make it EVEN SCARIER? By going the homemade, DIY route. These guys just tied a few knots, used a few carabiners and then just jumped off a freaking bridge. That’s it. Watch it, you’ll be stunned at how flimsy the entire…