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  • The Brief Story Behind Doctor Strange Calling Iron Man a Douchebag

    The Brief Story Behind Doctor Strange Calling Iron Man a Douchebag

    Remember in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War, when Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) called Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) a douchebag? It got a laugh in the theatre, but it was weird, right? After all, Stark could be incredibly annoying and full of himself, but when the movie came out, he’d been protecting the world as Iron Man…

  • What If’s Deadliest Episode Was Sadly Also Its Most Boring

    What If’s Deadliest Episode Was Sadly Also Its Most Boring

    After spending two episodes in wildly alternate universes where Marvel’s important, but not quite as central, heroes like Peggy Carter and T’Challa were the leads, What If’s latest went back to basics. The third episode of the animated Disney+ series is a story about the MCU’s original team of Avengers and the superspy who first…