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  • The Avatar Sequels Have Been Delayed Yet Again

    The Avatar Sequels Have Been Delayed Yet Again

    James Cameron’s Avatar, the highest grossing film of all time, opened in 2009. Its first sequel was originally scheduled to be released five years later, but Cameron has never been one to rush. So 2014 became 2015, then 2016, 2017, and most recently 2018. Well, like clockwork, it now seems the four Avatar sequels will…

  • Some More Familiar Faces May Be Appearing In Rogue One

    Some More Familiar Faces May Be Appearing In Rogue One

    Sigourney Weaver talks Avatar sequels and The Defenders. We haven’t seen the last of the Dominators in the CW/DC TV universe. Legends of Tomorrow drops a big hint about links to more obscure DC comics history. Plus, new posters for Underworld: Blood Wars and LEGO Batman, and a new teaser for Sherlock. Behold, spoilers!