
  • How the Largest Primate Ever Went Extinct

    How the Largest Primate Ever Went Extinct

    The largest primate in our family tree went extinct hundreds of thousands of years ago, and its existence has been known to humankind for less than a century. Now, a team of researchers has reviewed the ancient records and devised a more specific extinction window for our huge fallen relative, Gigantopithecus blacki, and pointed out…

  • Toddlers And Chimpanzees Share A Surprising Unspoken Language

    Toddlers And Chimpanzees Share A Surprising Unspoken Language

    Prior to developing the capacity for speech, toddlers communicate their desires, demands and discontent using a diverse repertoire of physical gestures. As a new study shows, there’s a significant amount of overlap between the gestures employed by human children and those made by other ape species, a finding that’s casting new light on the origin…