Science & Health: Space, Medicine, Climate Change And Humans

The home of space, archaeology, medicine, physics, climate change and everything else that impacts the planet, our health and the world of science.

  • Scientists Can Detect Life in Single Grain of Alien Ice

    Scientists Can Detect Life in Single Grain of Alien Ice

    Icy moons like Europa and Enceladus are exciting venues for the prospect of life beyond Earth, because they are thought to contain oceans of water beneath their frigid surfaces. Now, a team of scientists has concluded that a single grain of material spewed up by the outgassing moons could contain biosignatures—signs of life—if there are…

  • Supercomputer Suggests ‘Super Diamonds’ Could Exist in Space

    Supercomputer Suggests ‘Super Diamonds’ Could Exist in Space

    Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring material on Earth, but a supercomputer just modeled stuff that’s even harder. Called a ‘super-diamond,’ the theoretical material could exist beyond our planet—and maybe, one day, be created here on Earth. Like normal diamonds, super-diamonds are made from carbon atoms. This specific phase of carbon, composed of eight atoms,…