Science & Health: Space, Medicine, Climate Change And Humans

The home of space, archaeology, medicine, physics, climate change and everything else that impacts the planet, our health and the world of science.

  • Urine Luck Because Scientists Figured Out Why Pee Is Yellow

    Urine Luck Because Scientists Figured Out Why Pee Is Yellow

    Scientists say they’ve finally answered an age-old question: Just why is our pee yellow? In new research, a team found the enzyme produced by gut bacteria that plays a major role in turning our urine mellow. Curiosity aside, the discovery may actually help scientists better understand the gut microbiome and how it can contribute to…

  • Eruption of Scabies Infections Hits UK

    Eruption of Scabies Infections Hits UK

    The UK is facing an eruption of scabies, an itchy skin infestation caused by mites. Dermatologists across the country are reporting a rise in scabies cases, fueled by shortages of the medications most commonly used to treat it. These cases are disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations, such as those living in elder care facilities and other…