Wes Siler

  • This 13-Year-Old Girl Hunts Bears

    This 13-Year-Old Girl Hunts Bears

    Kerigan Disorda wants to become a wildlife biologist when she grows up, in order to learn more about her favourite animal: the black bear. Follow along as she hunts one of those in Vermont.

  • What The Original Spy Manual Can Teach You About The Outdoors

    What The Original Spy Manual Can Teach You About The Outdoors

    Before there was a CIA or an MI6 there was the Special Operations Executive. And, as WWII heated up, it put all of its collective tradecraft knowledge into a single training manual. And, it turns out that training spies to operate behind enemy lines is often good training for going outdoors, too.

  • 35 Harrowing Man Vs Nature Movies, Ranked

    35 Harrowing Man Vs Nature Movies, Ranked

    Mankind has always been fascinated by our role in and conflict with the natural world. And, that means movies about dangerous animals, treacherous mountains, angry seas and foreboding deserts. Let’s rank the best; you can watch the winner right here.