Meg Neal

  • What Do You Think Will Be The Doom Of Civilisation?

    What Do You Think Will Be The Doom Of Civilisation?

    It’s probably true that every generation thinks it will be the last — I mean, the Doomsday Clock has been ticking since 1947. And though I accused us millennials earlier today of being the “generation that cried apocalypse”, I fully admit there are some damn legit reasons for that cry currently brewing.

  • The NSA Dumped Its Spying Violations While You Were Waiting On Santa

    The NSA Dumped Its Spying Violations While You Were Waiting On Santa

    The U.S. government has released proof that it repeatedly spied on American citizens without being allowed to… and you probably missed it. The National Security Administration finally dumped a heap of redacted documents revealing the surveillance violations made over the last decade. Hooray for transparency! Of course, it released them midday on Christmas Eve, when…