Jennifer Ouellette

Jennifer Ouellette is science editor of Gizmodo.
  • Take A Day Off Between CrossFit Workouts, Study Says

    Take A Day Off Between CrossFit Workouts, Study Says

    Yeah, we know, your CrossFit gym has completely changed your life, you’ve never looked/felt better, and all other exercise programs pale in comparison. But you may want to ease off the intensive workouts now and then. All that over-exertion can actually impair your immune system, according to a new study just published in Frontiers in…

  • Imposter Supernova Has Erupted At Least Three Times

    Imposter Supernova Has Erupted At Least Three Times

    The star system Eta Carinae has puzzled astronomers for centuries because of its oddly variable brightness — as bright as a supernova explosion at one point in the 19th century. Now astronomers from the University of Arizona have determined that there were at least two earlier explosions in the star’s long history, making this a…

  • New Analysis Confirms Why The Skagit River Bridge Collapsed

    New Analysis Confirms Why The Skagit River Bridge Collapsed

    In May 2013, a bridge spanning the Skagit River along Interstate 5 in Washington state catastrophically collapsed, after an oversized trailer clipped one of the bridge’s cross beams. A new analysis by engineers at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign confirms the many factors that contributed to the collapse, and offers recommendations for how…