Casey Chan

Editor, Sploid

  • Compare All The Different Hill Valleys In Back To The Future

    Compare All The Different Hill Valleys In Back To The Future

    Video: There are actually five different Hill Valleys in the Back to the Future series. The 1985 film gets two versions (the one where they start off and the alternate Biff-ruled version), there’s the throwback 1995 one, the awesomely futuristic 2015 version and the old Western 1885. Which one is your favourite? Trick question, it’d…

  • This Butter Factory Sure Looks Like Heaven

    This Butter Factory Sure Looks Like Heaven

    Video: The Jean-Yves Bordier Butter factory in France looks like a wonderful place to get lost in. Mind of a Chef toured the factory with chef Ludo Lefebvre, and just judging from Lefebvre’s pure joy in seeing all that butter get made, it seems like it’s Heaven on Earth. Hell, even from just watching the…