All Your Rideshare and Taxi Options Are Now Together In One App

All Your Rideshare and Taxi Options Are Now Together In One App

In case you didn’t have enough rideshare apps on your phone (between DiDi, Ola and Uber), there’s another one you might want to consider downloading… Well, kind of. It’s not really a rideshare app, but it’s a rideshare-like app – Placie!

Just in time for COVID-19 restrictions to be eased across Australia, Placie has been released on Android and iOS. The Aussie app has been three years in the making and seems like it could be a serious competitor to Uber.

Placie is a rideshare-listing app that lists off cabs and rides you can catch in your local area at any time. It’s an aggregation app so expect it to be more of a mix between a rideshare app and an app like Google Maps.

“Placie’s real-time data aggregation allows consumers to sort multiple transport options including taxi, rideshare, public transport and private vehicle,” said Ed Meyer, the executive of Placie.

“As of today, consumers can find and compare transport options based on their preferences, including cost or time, with access to some of our best-in-class partners including Ola, 13Cabs, Black and White Cabs and Silvertop Taxis.”

How does Placie work?

Instead of having its own drivers, Placie lists off a range of options across different cab and rideshare app brands. It puts together the prices you’d spend on each service to get where you’re going and allows you to just book and go, like you would be able to with any other rideshare app.

Within the Placie app, you only need one account meaning there’s no need to link the app to any other accounts (say for example you have an Ola account). It focuses on making things easy and getting you from point A to point B.

The Placie app visualises this pretty well, giving you a list of public transport options, a walking time estimate, mixed modes of travel and of course cabs and rideshare price estimates.

Screenshots: Zachariah Kelly/Gizmodo Australia

“Placie will help us provide a better service to passengers during critical peak periods, which means less time waiting and a much better passenger experience,” says Stuart Overell, the chief operating officer of 13cabs.

“With more than 10,000 13cabs on the road from big cities to the regions, we are excited about being on Placie and serving the demand from all of our customers who are keen to get out and about.”

More cab companies are set to be added over time, including Shebah, Crown Cabs and Europcar. It’s still early days for the app, but it’ll be interesting to see how it does over time.

Placie is available now on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.