In The Newest Doctor Who Short, Rory Dictates His Biography

In The Newest Doctor Who Short, Rory Dictates His Biography

Doctor Who has adapted well to quarantine times. A litany of the show’s most prominent writers and actors have stepped up to create and sometimes film short stories about the world of the Doctor, paying homage to the show’s long history and giving fans something fun to think about during the stressful lockdowns worldwide.

In the newest iteration of Doctor Who: Lockdown, we’ve got “Rory’s Story,” an autobiographical video purportedly produced by Rory, played again by Arthur Darvill, on 1946’s only working smartphone. (How does he charge it?) The short, written by Neil Gaiman and with music by Blair Mowat, is a cute look at Rory and Amy’s life post the events of the show, in the calm, serene world of… 1946. Oh, maybe not so much.

There’s even a very brief cameo from Karen Gillan in here as Amy. This short was originally made for an introduction to the regular Doctor Who watchalongs that are going on online during the lockdown. This one was intended as an introduction to the episode “The Doctor’s Wife.”

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