The First Crisis On Infinite Earths Teaser Is A Short, Sweet Glimpse Of Everyone Coming Together

The First Crisis On Infinite Earths Teaser Is A Short, Sweet Glimpse Of Everyone Coming Together

We’ve got Supermen, Batwomen, Arrows, Black Lightning, everyone’s all here!

The Arrowverse’s Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event is approaching quickly, and now we’ve finally got a real teaser. It’s short, yes, but it’s here, and it’s a heckuva posse cut—Batwoman and Arrow, Black Lightning, and our first in-motion look at Brandon Routh as an old, hunky Superman. (I’m not afraid to say it.)

It’s thrilling, and definitely has me wanting to see a longer glimpse at what’s coming. The novelty of the superhero crossover has largely faded, sure, but Crisis is just going so hard. And who doesn’t want to see Brandon Routh share the screen with Tom Welling?

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