Weta Workshop Making Blade Runner 2049 Miniatures Is Just The Best

Weta Workshop Making Blade Runner 2049 Miniatures Is Just The Best

This is beyond cool. Our mates over the ditch, Weta Workshop in New Zealand’s “Wellywood” – Wellington – making incredible miniatures.

[referenced url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2017/07/wetas-high-tech-practical-effects-were-the-best-part-of-ghost-in-the-shell/” thumb=”https://www.kotaku.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/07/GTS-04056-R.jpg” title=”Weta’s High Tech Practical Effects Were The Best Part Of Ghost In The Shell” excerpt=”This year’s Ghost In The Shell adaptation was a visually stunning movie — helped in no small part by the gorgeous practical effects, props and costumes built by New Zealand’s Weta Workshop. In fact, far more of the film’s beautiful visuals were built physically than most people would expect. We went to Weta to find out what went into building the world of Ghost In The Shell– and what it’s like when your painstakingly crafted work is hidden behind layers of digital effects.”]

[referenced url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2017/10/at-one-point-blade-runner-2049-was-almost-a-four-hour-two-part-film/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/ujs5hxzd7d2vvr7qeu4y.jpg” title=”At One Point, Blade Runner 2049 Was Almost A Four-Hour, Two-Part Film” excerpt=”Almost every film you’ve ever seen was longer in an earlier version. That’s why films go through editing. But when a film is already long, it’s interesting to hear how filmmakers tried to deal with it. And director Denis Villeneuve reportedly considered something bold for Blade Runner 2049.”]