What’s The Best Space Battle In Movie History?

Because it’s almost beer o’clock on this fine Friday, I decided that some fine internet bludging was in order (don’t judge me, you’re doing it too). I felt like I needed some space-based pew-pew in my life, and started watching a space-battle only re-cut of the Battle of Endor from Return Of The Jedi. Amidst the amazing explosions and lasers, I got to thinking. What’s the best space battle in movie history? Fight!

Of course, my vote goes to the ROTJ space battle, but yours might be something else.

Perhaps it’s the TIE Fighter attack from A New Hope?

Or is it the battle with the Ori at the Supergate in Stargate: SG-1?

Perhaps it’s something more recent? Like the USS Vengeance Dreadnought versus the USS Enterprise from Star Trek Into Darkness?

Tell us in the comments what your favourite space battle is!