Here’s The First Official Trailer For Sharknado 2

Oh God. It’s so bad it hurts. It’s so bad it’s good. It’s so bad I can’t look away. It’s the first trailer for Sharknado 2: The Second One. Enter at your own risk.

Sharknado 2 is the sequel to the terrible movie “event” of last year that saw a storm suck up sharks en masse before dumping them on the streets of Los Angeles.

The sequel takes the same concept and sticks it in New York, where a giant whirlpool of sharks is just as deadly.

The makers of Sharknado have doubled down on everything for the sequel: the acting is twice as bad, the references are twice as forced and the puns are doubled.

And the “good” news is that it comes to Australia within minutes of it screening in the US. May God help us all.