How To Make The Worst YouTube Video In The World

How To Make The Worst YouTube Video In The World

Have you noticed this trend in YouTube? You watch a video on YouTube. Maybe it’s a minute, maybe it’s two. Maybe you laughed, maybe you didn’t. But then there are five minutes of additional post-video video that tells you to either subscribe to their other channel, add them on Facebook, tweet out a shoutout, click on their next video, see what they’re up to, shill for a sponsor and maybe even do all of the above.

The videos are too long! Like how we shouldn’t be forced to watch commercials that are longer than the video content, there shouldn’t be an extended post-video video after the video. Don’t try to sucker us in YouTubers! JackFilms poked fun of this annoying YouTube trend by making the worst YouTube Video ever. [JackFilms]